Beach Cities Midwifery

Welcoming Baby Declan {Los Angeles Birth Photographer}

In honor of labor day I thought I'd post just a few photos from a labor very special to me :)

I attended my sister's birth last week at Beach Cities Midwifery in Orange County and I was so honored she wanted me there to witness (and partially document) the birth of my nephew. I'm moved by all the births I attend but when it's family it's even more emotional and I couldn't have been more proud of my sister than I was the day baby Dex was born. She was strong and focused throughout the whole labor and still managed to keep us laughing with her sense of humor. My brother-in-law was comforting, encouraging and the perfect support for my sister... they really made the perfect team. With the help of the midwives and her doula, Tammy, baby Declan was born at 1:16pm on August 23, 2013 weighing in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 18.5 in.

Here's one of my sweet nephew at two days old...