Holy adorable. These twins were a total blast to photograph and their mommy was the ultimate photo stylist! We did a regular family session at the park followed by a super adorable "destroy the cake". Sloane was definitely more interested in the desserts than Cason but they were both total hams at the session :)
Los Angeles Baby Photo...
Maxim {Los Angeles Baby Photographer}
I met sweet Maxim and his parents at the park to take photos for Maxim's first birthday party. This little guy was all smiles all the time and in constant motion which made for a really fun session!
Arlo & Sage {Long Beach Baby Photographer}
As always I had a great time photographing Arlo and his baby brother Sage and catching up with their parents :) Little Sage proved to be quite the over-achiever and started walking the day of our session at just 9 months! These boys just get cuter and cuter and I'm so lucky I get to document them... enjoy!
Mia and Micah {Los Angeles Baby Photographer}
I first photographed this family when Mia was a baby so it was a lot of fun to catch up with them in their new home and photograph their newest addition, Micah! Here are a few of my favorites of Mia and Micah... it was great seeing you guys again :)
Baby Jay Evan is 6 mos. Already! {Los Angeles Baby Photos}
This baby is just plain delicious! Delicious I tell you! Look at that face, those adorable little baby rolls... love him. That cowboy hat was just the kicker (both Mom and Dad's Grandpas had worn hats just like it most of their lives - how cool is that?!). It was so neat to go back and see this fun family again - Jay is such a wonderful baby - enjoy the sneak peek!